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Tendence 2009
一、展 間:2009年7月3日-7日
二、展 點:法蘭克福國際展覽中心(Messe Frankfurt)
四、兩大活動:Design Annual--年度設(shè)計大賽
              Taste it!--美食體驗活動
八、展 紹:
自2008年法蘭克福展覽有限公司對法蘭克福國際秋季生活時尚消費品展覽會(Tendence Lifestyle)作出重大改革,既該展將與原有法蘭克福國際夏季消費品展覽會(Collectione)同期同地舉辦,根據(jù)買家對采購周期的要求,2009年展覽會時間定為2008年7月,產(chǎn)品類別不變。新增兩大活動年度設(shè)計大賽和美食體驗活動為展覽會錦上添花。
四大品牌在Decorate Life的大品牌下同時舉辦,其中Collectione和Tendence專門針對貿(mào)易觀眾。Collectione為中等至大宗采購的買家提供了專業(yè)采購的平臺,為零售連鎖、百貨公司、DIY商店、建筑供應(yīng)商和花園中心的最高決策者以及高端買家專門打造了一個下訂單的機會,展會聚焦于來年的春季和夏季的流行趨勢,是下一季春夏新品發(fā)布的一個重要機會。Collectione 2008期間,法蘭克福展覽有限公司將通過增設(shè)“戶外生活方式”的平臺著重打造更為精彩紛呈的花園家具展區(qū)。Tendence吸引了貿(mào)易行業(yè)所有部門的觀眾,這些觀眾30%來自德國以外的國家,他們將Tendence作為當年的秋冬季、圣誕節(jié)最為重要、大型、國際化的一個商業(yè)貿(mào)易平臺以及國際貿(mào)易最前沿的一個下單的展覽會,同時下一季的新產(chǎn)品在此第一時間發(fā)布。
九、展 內(nèi) 容:
● 餐桌、廚具和家用品世界:玻璃、瓷器、陶瓷、金屬器皿、烹飪器具、餐盤和油炸鍋、小型電器、烘培器皿、家用清潔設(shè)備及器皿、廚具趨勢、廚具附件和紡織品、美食商店等。
● 禮品世界:國際禮品系列、文具、皮革制品、游戲、工藝品及手工藝品、煙具、畫、蠟燭、制造的和收集的限定版的禮品、手工雕刻系列的產(chǎn)品、原創(chuàng)設(shè)計和流行的禮品、季節(jié)性的裝飾品、當代工藝品、服裝和珠寶等。
● 室內(nèi)裝飾世界:鄉(xiāng)村住宅、民族家具和附件、有設(shè)計的家具、家居附件和紡織品、室內(nèi)燈具、個人的家具、經(jīng)典家居附件、畫及畫框、澆鑄的鏡子、家具、家用附件、家用紡織品、室內(nèi)燈具等。
Beijing tcsy international commerce exhibition service co., Ltd
聯(lián)系地址:北京朝陽區(qū)西壩河七圣路6號 郵編:100028
NO.310, Qinquan ,Unit 6, Qisheng Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
電 話:010-64205078、64287817、64205077
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聯(lián) 系 人:趙文 先生
MSN: tcsyhuizhan@hotmail.com
網(wǎng) 址:http://www.tradeexpo.com.cn
07月01日       北京(上海)/法蘭克福                                                         汽車/飛機
(周三)      乘國際航班飛往法蘭克福,抵達后導(dǎo)游機場接機,入住酒店休息。
07月02日  法蘭克福                                                               汽車
(周四)   早餐后,乘車前往展館,布展。
07月03日  法蘭克福                                                                             汽車
(周五)   早餐后,乘車前往展館,參展。
07月04日  法蘭克福                                                                                       汽車
(周六)   早餐后,乘車前往展館,參展。
07月05日  法蘭克福                                                                                       汽車
(周日)   早餐后,乘車前往展館,參展。
07月06日  法蘭克福                                                                     汽車
(周一)       早餐后,乘車前往展館,參展。
07月07日  法蘭克福                                                                     汽車
(周二)       早餐后,乘車前往展館,參展、撤展。
07月08日  法蘭克福/北京(上海)                                                  汽車/飛機
(周三)       早餐后,市區(qū)觀光購物,之后乘車前往機場,辦理登機手續(xù),乘國際航班返回國內(nèi)。
1.    全程四星級酒店及酒店內(nèi)自助早餐;
2.    每日午、晚餐:展期午餐送盒飯,盒飯標準為3菜(2葷1素)+1個軟飲或水果,晚餐為中式團餐,標準為6菜1湯,餐后水果;展后為中式午晚餐,標準為6菜1湯;
3.        自布展日起至展覽結(jié)束日止每人每天礦泉水1L,并提供相應(yīng)紙杯,展后每天提供適量飲用水;
4.    全程提供旅游用車,專業(yè)司機;
5.    境內(nèi)中文陪同;
6.        司機、導(dǎo)游小費;
7.        旅行社責任險。
435間房間, 2005年新裝修過,25層,4個餐廳,商務(wù)中心,寬帶上網(wǎng),桑拿,渦流浴
Final Report for the Trade Press Decorate Life (Jul 16, 2008)

New Decorate Life combined autumn show attracts 70,000 visi-tors to Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre

Another five-percent increase in the number of foreign buyers – over one in three visitors comes from outside Germany

Downbeat economic forecast for Germany
With around 70,000 visitors from all over the world, the new Decorate Life combined show exceeded the number of visitors predicted by the organisers, Messe Frankfurt, before the doors opened. "With this de-but, we have laid a solid foundation for the next events. The good re-sponse from the international trade shows that we are on the right track with our concept. Unfortunately, the unfavourable economic de-velopments in recent weeks have had a negative impact on the num-ber of German visitors", said Dr. Michael Peters, Member of the Board of Management of Messe Frankfurt. "We are aware that we still have much to do with our new combined show."
Encouraging is the further increase in the level of internationality on the trade-visitor side. 35 percent of buyers travelled to Frankfurt from outside Germany. This represents an increase of six percent com-pared to Tendence 2007 with double-digit rates of growth being re-corded by many countries including Italy, Portugal, Turkey, France and Switzerland. Also well represented were Japan and the entire Middle East. The trade-visitor quality was also good and was re-flected, inter alia, by an unchanged, high level of purchasing and de-cision-making authority. Buyers awarded the range of exhibits top marks in terms of variety and quality. Moreover, 88 percent said they had also achieved their goals for the fair this year and were satisfied to extremely satisfied with the products to be seen.
In contrast to this was the decline in the number of German dealers, which can be traced back primarily to the downbeat economic prog-nosis. 19 percent of German visitors rate the current economic situa-tion as being poor, which represents a decline of six percentage points compared to Tendence 2007 and seven compared to Ambi-ente in February 2008. The industry sees the coming months even more pessimistically with 41 percent of all companies polled saying they consider the current economic situation to be bad.
Thomas Grothkopp, General Manager of the German Association for Tableware, Household Goods and Home Culture (Bundesverband für den gedeckten Tisch, Hausrat und Wohnkultur e.V.), Cologne, noted: "The Decorate Life combined show necessarily suffered from the down¬turn in demand following the European Cup and the energy-price explosion. The fact that fewer orders were placed than many exhibitors would have liked is due to the difficult sales situation. How-ever, from the point of view of our trade association, the current situa-tion also represents a chance: a chance to look for new suppliers and products, to discern new trends and to gain inspiration from the high-end design of The Design Annual."
Table and kitchen: activities and design for the trade
There were also plenty of opportunities to find inspiration in the Table & Decoration product segment in Hall 4.0 of Tendence. For example, at the Taste it! special exhibition for professionals. "Once again, Taste it! did more than justice to its name. It whetted the appetite for an emotional and active product presentation. To this end, there was a two-part programme that offered practical tips by professionals for professionals in the morning and gave visitors the chance to look over the shoulder of celebrity chefs during the afternoon. Cooking is 'in'. And the sector can take advantage of this to put greater emphasis on products for the table and kitchen", said Thomas Kastl, Director of the Table, Kitchen and Housewares Section at Messe Frankfurt.
Foodvision GmbH used the Taste it! area to present the Kitchen In-novation Award for the second time. "Winners from other sectors who would otherwise attend other fairs felt completely at home in the envi-ronment of Taste it! for professionals. For us, it was a highly success-ful event", confirmed Harald Schultes, General Manager of FoodVi-sion GmbH. Also, Werner Weiherer, General Manager of Porzellan-fabriken Christian Seltmann, was pleased with the response to the cooking show with Alfons Schuhbeck organised by his company. "The joint presentation by Königlich Tettau, Seltmann-Weiden and Alfons Schuhbeck gave the company and our sales partners an incredible image boost. You have to be active to be successful. Doing nothing results in nothing."
High-end design from the Far North
That high-grade design is growing in popularity was very clearly to be seen in the great interest shown by trade visitors in the new Nordic Design Area where six brand-name companies from Scandinavia – Iittala, Menu, Normann Copenhagen, Rosendahl and Stelton – made a joint presentation in Hall 4.0. Ulrich Edeler, Sales Manager of Deutschland Stelton A/S: "Nordic design has enjoyed growing popu-larity over recent years and is also making very good headway in Germany. This success is only guaranteed when both function and design are first class. And that's the case with us". "We are very, very pleased with the course of business at the fair", added Peter Husted, Sales Manager of Normann Copenhagen. "The visitors were very surprised by the presentation. The identical appearance of the stands gave the impression of a design landscape in which the products could be displayed to great effect." Jan Piet Bütehorn, Sales Manager Germany of Menu A/S, seconded this opinion: "The 'Nordic Design' concept was given a very good reception. It helps customers find their way around. Customers want to see and experience the products."
Home design: success through quality and concept
The exhibitors in the Interiors & Decoration section generated a high degree of enthusiasm in the trade thanks to the high quality and so-phisticated concepts offered. Bernd D. Ehrengart, Managing Partner of furniture and home-accessories manufacturers Lambert in Mönchengladbach, said, "Compared to the last, very satisfactory fair, we have noted a further increase in sales, which yet again shows that anyone offering quality and innovations has a good chance of suc-cess. Those who do their homework are likely to come away on top. New collections and original stand concepts awaken visitors' curios-ity. I am very much in favour of the new concept of the event." Par-ticular interest was shown by the trade in furniture and home acces-sories that combined elegance and quality with design and identity. Thus, Dr. Hartmut Bretz, Managing Partner of Bretz Wohnträume GmbH, commented: "We presented our new collection – Collection Bretz Art Couture 2009 – for the first time at Tendence in Frankfurt and received 100-percent confirmation from trade visitors that our de-sign strategy is spot on. We are highly delighted with the new dates of the fair in early July, which is perfect for supplying our customers when the season begins in early September." Appealing to the sector, he added: "For 2009, we hope that even more internationally re-nowned exhibitors from the premium design segment will opt to ex-hibit in Frankfurt and thus make their fair even more attractive to in-ternational visitors."
Changing the dates of the event to the beginning of July was given a particularly warm welcome by regular exhibitors and considered to be a step in the right direction. A convinced Detlef Klatt, General Man-ager of Living Interior Design GmbH, said, "We are overwhelmed by the positive echo. All of our fears about bringing the dates of the fair forward have been allayed. The customers are buying and our turn-over had reached gigantic levels by the half-way point." Sibylle Erler, Marketing & Sales at SIA, added, "We rank among the proponents of the new dates and the result leaves no doubt but that we were right. Sales are up on last year and we are very pleased. Once again, this year's fair has confirmed our impression that dealers who take the initiative and think in conceptual terms are particularly successful and well rewarded for their courage."
Loft, the section standing for individual lifestyle, design and the avant-garde also clearly shows that innovation is the basis of success. Dis-cussing the move to July, Florian Müller, Sales Manager of lifestyle manufacturer, Fatboy® the Original B.V., said, "The Fatboy concept was once again spot on: our open stand with fascinating products that capture the spirit of the times induced customers to spend time with us and, in particular, to place orders. The result: an incredible number of orders as confirmation." Design-oriented concept providers, such as Raumgestalt, Konstantin Slawinski and Pling emphasised that holding Tendence in July offers the potential needed to generate en-thusiasm in the trade with modern and emotional products created by designers. However, it is also essential that the trade, manufacturers and Messe Frankfurt take joint action to make consumers more aware of the finer things in life. A step in this direction was the new Next area where presentations were made by young companies from the design scene, which are currently in the process of carving out a niche for themselves on the market. Carolina Jasson, founder of HAPPYsthlm design AB, Sweden, said she had been impressed by the professionalism and propensity to order of visitors who were look-ing for something special and came up trumps on her stand.
Gift articles: impress trade visitors with new ideas
Once again, Tendence also demonstrated its importance as a new-products and trend platform for the specialist retail trade – exhibitors with new products and original ideas were able to score points among trade visitors. The first place to go in this connection was the Young & Trendy section in Hall 5.1. "We were able to surprise lots of people by presenting new products and this generated a good response. After all, customers come to the fair to find something new. Follow-up or-ders for familiar products can be made easily and less expensively from the office. We see the new timing for the fair in a positive light because it gives us more time to react to changes in order patterns for the Christmas business", said Peter Reisenthel, General Manager of Reisenthel Accessoires. Klaus Heikenfeld General Manager of Räder Wohnzubehör, also confirmed the importance of Tendence as a must for all buyers looking for new products. "We are satisfied – by the halfway point, we had rang up more sales in comparison to the previous year. We sent out catalogues in advance. Now the custom-ers are coming to see the products at the fair."
Quality, high-grade materials and a good finish continue to play a ma-jor role for gift articles. Exhibitors from the Gifts Unlimited section made a great impact with the combination of design and quality. "Ex-clusive products distinguished by high quality are in demand. The echo from the trade has been good because customers are looking for certainty and reliability from the manufacturers. Visitor quality was good across the board", reported Hamid Yazdtschi, General Manager of Gilde Gruppe, one of the biggest exhibitors at the Decorate Life combined show.
Jewellery: who dares wins
Special and individual pieces are also in demand in the jewellery segment – surprising customers and showing a variety of new prod-ucts represent the key to success for exhibitors in the Carat section. "We did some very good business at the fair. We are very pleased with the orders taken and have been able to gain a relatively large number of new customers. It is important to find the sensitive point; consumers want to be surprised; they take their decisions spontane-ously. Hence, we endeavour to encourage our customers to take risks because, according to our observations, consumers take a posi-tive view of such things", said Marion Stolp, General Manager of Kreuchauff Design. As well, Nils Eckrodt, Managing Director of Coeur de Lion, is taking a positive view of the forthcoming autumn / winter season: "We have enjoyed some very good business at the fair. The next season is likely to be very good for us, too, because we have been able to present many new products here."
Collectione: exhibitors pleased with order level
Many professional buyers took advantage of Collectione to order products for the 2009 spring and summer collections. Ferry Mulder, General Manager of Exotica Cor Mulder GmbH, was pleased by the number of orders placed with his company: "The new combined show came up to our expectations. We are very pleased with the orders placed – our results are better than at the last Collectione." Klaus Peitzmeier, General Manager of Haymann GmbH & Co. KG, also spoke positively about the course of business at the fair: "With only a few exceptions, we saw all of our key accounts. We also had lots of visitors from outside Germany, especially France." The large number of international visitors was also noticed by Peter H. Koll, Sales Man-ager Germany, of Spanish company Vidrio Ecologico s.l.: "Nine out of ten visitors came from abroad and were ready to order. The Balkan countries and East Europe are developing rapidly at present and are characterised by a highly optimistic outlook."
Holding Collectione and Tendence at the same time and place also gave exhibitors the chance to gain new customers and to cut costs. "Thanks to the change, we received visits from a mixture of bulk buy-ers and smaller businesses. We can serve both and now do so at the same time", said Arend Mosterd, General Manager of Esschert De-sign B.V. This opinion was seconded by TEL International B.V., The Netherlands. General Manager Peter-Jan Tel said: "Visitor quality is high. The professionals are here. By holding the two fairs at the same time and place, the degree of attraction for international visitors has risen significantly compared to Collection when it was on its own."
New Outdoor Living trade fair
For the first time, Outdoor Living provided an independent platform for garden furniture and accessories, outdoor ceramics and garden deco-rations. Here, for example, MBM Münchener Boulevard Möbel GmbH presented high-quality furniture for indoors and outdoors. Roland Stoiber, Marketing and Export Manager of MBM, was enthusiastic about the première: "We are pleased with the concept of the Deco-rate Life combined show. The new dates are super because they open the season at an early time and give us the chance to present all of our new products." About the new combined show, he added, "Holding Collectione and Tendence at the same time and place is perfect because, thanks to the bigger range, customers have a greater incentive to come to Frankfurt for the fairs. The number of visitors to our stand was also good. On the one hand, we are pleased with the many new contacts. On the other hand, a large proportion of our regular customers took advantage of the event to see us."
The next Decorate Life combined show will be held from 3 to 7 July 2009.
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